Leeds Radio, tel: 718 963-1764

page updated 04/30/2015
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  A-H SPDT momentary foot switch                        $3.00 [+]
  A-H SPST momentary                                    $3.00 [+]
  A-H ST42B SPST momentary NC                           $4.00
  A-H HD1-Y3, SPDT 20 amp 480, 10 amp 125              $10.00
  A-H 82917 DPDT momentary                              $7.00
  Arrow H&H SPST, 1/2" bushing 10 amp 250 VAC, 20 amp 
       125 VAC, beautiful old-style with ball head bat  $8.00
  A-H old style SPST toggle, 10 amps 250V, 15 amps 125V $9.00 [+]
  A-H&H SPST toggle with old style ball-end bat
      large .75" bushing, beautiful chrome, rating
            2 amperes 250 volts, 5 amperes 125 volts   $15.00 [+]
  A-H&H foot switch SPDT 250v, 1amp/125v,2amps          $4.00 [+]
  A-H&H push-pull switch                                $4.00 [+]
  A-H&H DPST, long bushing (3/4"), 6 amp 125 volt       $6.00
  A-H&H SPDT CO toggle 82017-1                          $5.00
  A-H&H DPDT momentary toggle switch                    $5.00
  A-H&H SPST 80421-181, 20 amps 125 volt, 
    10 amps 250 volt very large with ball end bat      $10.00
  A-H&H 27947 4PST 5 amps 250 volt, 3/4" dia bushing
        ball end bat, screw terminals                  $15.00 
  A-H&H 4PST momentary toggle 10 amps 250 volts        $11.00
  A-H&H SPST NC pushbotton 80600-26812A 125 volt        $6.00
  Alco MPC 1060 DPDT push button 6 amps 125 volts       $6.00
  Alco 206S DPDT CO momentary                           $5.00
  Alco SWS-251, oiltight  motor start switch           $25.00
  Alco MTA 306D TPDT, 5A, 125VAC                        $8.00 [+]
  Alcoswitch MRB-00124 12 pos, single pole, 
                              1/8" shaft, pc mount      $3.00 [+]
  Alcoswitch MSPS-103B SPST NC pushbutton mini          $5.00
  AMF DPST mini toggle switch                           $3.00 [+]
  Arrow-Hart SPDT toggle 3amps 250 volts, 
                               6 amps 125 volts         $5.00 [+]

  Carling DPDT CO, 3 amps 250 volt, 6 amps 125 volt     $5.00
  Cemco Airflow switch SPDT MAC-100-4 250VAC, 3 amp -
    a microswitch with a round piece of mylar attached  $11.00
  Cemco MAC-100-4 sensitive leaf switch, 5 amp 250 VAC  $8.00
  C-H SPDT push button momentary 
                     - without click 10 amp 125 volt    $4.00
  C-H SPST toggle 15 amp 125 volts, 10 amp 250 volt     $5.00 [+]
  C-H SPDT toggle 6 amps 125 volts, 3 amps 250 volts    $4.00
  C-H AN3230-2 aircraft toggle - 
                             huge and beautifully made $65.00
  C-H MS24659-23D DPDT military toggle switch,
                         locking - pull bat to operate $15.00
  C-H DPDT 10 amp 250 volt 15 amp 125 volt              $4.00
  C-H DPDT CO 10 amp 250 vac, 15 amp 125 vac            $4.00
  C-H SPST 30 amp 125 vac, 25 amp 250 vac toggle       $10.00
  C-H SPDT CO momentary 10 amps 125 volts, fast-ons     $5.00
  C-H 4PDT CO toggle, 10 amp 250 volts, 15 amp 125 volt $8.00
  C-H DPST toggle switch, ww leads, 1/4" bushing        $5.00
  C-H DPST 886/K6 MS24656-281, momentary, 1/4" bushing  $9.00
  C-H DPST ST52N DPDT                                   $6.00 [+]    
  C-H SPDT momentary foot switch, no click, 
         heavy duty,  3/4" long bushing, fast-ons       $5.00
  C-H 8869K1 DPDT CO mini toggle with full-size 
           bushing and bat (rfe)                        $5.00  
  C-H 8869K4 DPDT mini toggle with full-size 
           bushing and bat (rfe)                        $5.00                
  C-H DPDT CO toggle 10A@250V, 15A@125V                 $3.00 
  C-H 737901 DPDT CO - narrow bat                       $5.00 [+]
  C-H 8918K880 rotary switch, 3 deck has jumpers that 
     can be removed making it a 3 pole, 3 pos switch.
     Very rugged, with screw terminals                 $25.00
  C&K 7101 SPST                                         $5.00
  C&K 7101 SPST, pc leads, 0.4 VA                       $4.00
  C&K 7101 SPST, pc leads, long bat (7/8")              $4.00
  C&K 7101 SPST 0.4 va - plated contacts                $6.00
  C&K 7101 SPST rocker switch - 
              large (1.25 by .6375") white rocker       $8.00
  C&K 7103 SPDT CO, full sized bat and bushing, pc mt.  $7.00
  C&K 7107 SPDT CO, one side momentary                  $5.00
  C&K 7108 L2YCBE SPDT momentary with pc terminals      $5.00
  C&K 7201 DPDT paddle switch 120 volt 5 amp            $5.00
  C&K 7215 LPHZG8E DPDT CO momentary, long bat         $14.00
  C&K 7231 DPDT long bushing 0.4 VA max 
          great for low level switching in preamps, etc $5.00
  C&K 7301 - TPDT  (1/4" bushing)                       $6.00 [+]
  C&K 7303 3PDT CO, 1/4" bushing, flat bat              $5.00
  C&K 7401 - 4PDT  (1/4" bushing)                      $10.00 [+]
  C&K 7405 J21 WBE 4PDT momentary paddle sw ww leads    $6.00
  C&K 7411 DPDT CO, ww term                             $5.00
  C&K 8121 SPST momentary push button 1 amp 120 VAC     $5.00
  C&K 8121 SPST momentary push button 
                                 1 amp 120 VAC,PC leads $5.00
  C&K 8125 SPST momentary 125 volts 1 amp               $5.00 [+]
  C&K U21 DPDT with flat bat, 120 volts 5 amp           $5.00
  C&K U21 DPDT rocker 120 volts 5 amp pc leads          $5.00
  C&K U21 2 pole toggle, 1/4" bushing on-on-on          $6.00
  C&K MS90310-221, SPST full size bushing and bat (rfe) $4.00
  C&K KS20869 SPST push button - similar to C&K 8125    $7.00

  Centralab 17 position, 4 pole, ceramic, non-shorting
          model JV-9013                                $35.00
  Centralab PA-2011, 6 position, 2 deck, 
            2 poles per deck, steatite, non-shorting   $25.00
  Centralab JV-9013, 17 position, 4 pole, non-shorting $24.00
  Centralab PA-3007, 17 position, 4 deck, 
                         1 pole per deck, non-shorting $24.00
  Centralab PA-1023, 11 position, 6 deck, 
                                       1 pole per deck $20.00
  Centralab PA-2035, 2 position, 2 deck,
                                      6 poles per deck $18.00
  Centralab (CRL) PA-2037 6 deck, 2 poles per deck, 
               6 position, ceramic rotary switch       $16.00
  Centralab SA-1003, 5 positon, 2 pole, 1 deck rotary
               has 1/4" long shaft, with flat           $6.00
  Centralab 16 deck, 8 position rotary switch          $39.00 [+]
  Centralab 023-1137-043 - special 3 dec switch        $18.00
  Continental DPDT slide switch, 0.5  amps @125V        $1.00 [+]
  Daven rotary switch model 7679-5, 6 pos, 
        2 poles per deck, 2 deck absolutely beautiful  $--.-- [+]
  Erie 3612-03 2 pole 6 position rotary                 $5.00
  Electro Mech 29NK-132 GP DPST (one side NC one NO)
    illuminated PB, momentary - in several colors      $12.00
  Fujisoku 8C1021 SPDT CO mini toggle. 
            Similar to CK. 5 amps 125 volts             $5.00
  Fujisoko 8N2011 DPDT push button, 5 amp 125 volt      $6.00
  George Risk BC-FA-1073-S389                          $10.00
  Grayhill 24YY2676 9 position 6 deck  1 pole per deck $45.00 [+]
  Grayhill 09A30-04-1-06N 6 pos 4 pole rotary switch   $35.00 [+]
  Grayhill 12 pos 2 pole rotary switch                 $35.00 [+]
  Grayhill 53M15-01-1-24N-C 24 position, single pole   $45.00
  Grayhill 57M22-03-1-16S-C 16 position, 3 deck, 
                             1 pole per deck shorting  $59.00
  Grayhill 12 position, 1 deck, one pole - 
      stop installed @ 5                               $12.00
  Grayhill 09A30-01-3-04N 3 position, 4 pole, single deck, 
       4 poles per deck, 1/8" shaft                    $25.00
  Grayhill 6 pos, 7 deck, 1 pole per deck, pcb mt
       1/8" shaft                                      $29.00 
  Grayhill 5 deck, 2 poles per deck, 4 pos, 1/8" shaft $20.00
  Greyhill 8 position, 2 deck, 1 pole per deck, 
                                 1/8 inch shaft        $25.00  
  Grayhill 10 position single pole rotary               $6.00 
  Grayhill 10 position single pole rotary (rfe)         $3.00
  Grayhill 10 position single pole, no stop -
       can rotate 360 degree - compact (3/4" dia) body $12.00                     
  Janco 3-1915, 3 pos, 3 deck, 4 poles per deck        $45.00
  Janco 7-1961, 4 pos, 2 poles per deck, 8 decks       $29.00 [+]
  Janco 1905-8C12C, 12 pos, no stops, 8 decks          $29.00 [+]
  Janco 1-1909-5A5, rotary, 5 pos, 2 pole per deck, 
  5 decks beautiful and compact - approx. 1" dia.      $22.00 [+]
  Janco 1-909-8C6, 12 position, 8 deck rotary          $75.00         
  JBT MS-20-B2, 19 pos, 2 deck rotary                  $19.00 {+]
  JBT SPDT rocker switch 
            (mini - 15/16" mounting centers)            $4.00 [+]
  JBT DPDT CO toggle made for Western Electric -
             WE part number  KS-19963                   $5.00 [+]
  JBT SPST NO momentary 20 amps 125 VAC 10 amps 250 VAC $5.00
  JBT SPDT toggle, 1/4" bushing                         $5.00
  JBT SPDT CO toggle, 20 amp 125 volts, 
                          10 amps 250 volts, fast-ons   $5.00
  JBT MS-20-2-6DT rotary switch                        $24.00  
  JBT 524 DPDT toggle switch                            $4.00
  JBT DPDT momentary CK size. 5 amp flat bat            $5.00
  JBT JMT-234 DPDT momentary CK size round bat          $6.00
  JBT 2230L, DPDT NC momentary                          $9.00 [+]
  JBT MS-20-1L5A-1, 5 position 1 pole, lever switch    $25.00
  JBT DPDT made for Western Electric (WE part number 
     KS13674 L27, very long (2.375") bat                $5.00
  JBT LL-232 DPDT CO with locking full-sized bat       $11.00   
  JBT MS25068-21 4PDT CO, screw terminals              $10.00    
  Ledev C-641-3512-2, 7 position, 1 deck, 
                                      1 pole per deck  $10.00

  Mallory 4 pole 3 position rotary                      $5.00 [+]
  Mallory #60, 3 pole, 2 position jack switch
  Mallory 2005, push button switch                      $9.00
  Mallory 13452 5 position, 4 deck, 
                               2 poles per deck rotary $15.00
  Mallory 732 jack switch                              $15.00
  Mallory 1342L, 5 position, 4 deck, 2 pole per deck   $12.00
  Mallory H7931C-07, 7 position, 
                             1 deck, 1 pole per deck   $10.00
  Mallory-Grigsby 4M214GH, RF switch, 
        6 position, 3 deck, 1 pole per deck, ceramic   $25.00
  Mallory Grigsby 4M2144N, RF switch 4 position
                            4 deck, 1 pole per deck    $24.00
  Mallory-Grigsby 4M1412, 2 position, 
                            1 deck, 4 poles per deck   $19.00
  Mallory-Grigsby 4M1265, 5 position, 
                            6 deck, 2 poles per deck   $19.00
  Mallory-Grigsby 4M2124N, 4 position, 
                    2 deck, 1 pole per deck, ceramic   $19.00
  Mallory-Grigsby 4M2141L, 11 position,
                       4 deck, 1 pole per deck         $19.00 
  Monster Rotary Switch, 11 position, 4 pole, 
    Positions alternate between contact and open -
    1-off-2-off-3-off-4-off-5-off-6. Contact rating 
    5 amps @ 115 VDC, 10 amps @ 115 VAC. Beautifully 
    made. Early 1950's vintage would be great as a
    dummy load switch or speaker switch. Stop can 
    be removed for 14 positions                        $21.00 [+]
  McGill 0140-3014 3PDT, 17A 277V toggle switch         $9.00 [+]
  Microswitch 6AT3 DPDT toggle switch, 1/4" bushing     $6.00
  Microswitch 6AT576-T2 SPDT (rfe)                      $3.00
  Microswitch 13AT2-T2 DPDT CO (rfe)                    $3.00
  Microswitch 13AT402-T2, DPDT CO with metal, rect. bat $6.00
  Microswitch 23AT402-T2, DPDT with metal rect bat      $6.00
  Microswitch 12ST115-3 DPDT, 15 amp 125 or 250 VAC     $6.00

  Paddle switch, 3 position, 2 pole, 4 amp 125 volts AC
      1.5 amp 250 VAC, 0.5 amp 125VDC                   $3.00 [+]
  Oak 3 position, 4 deck, 3 poles per deck,            $10.00
  Oak 7 position, 3 deck, 1 pole per deck, ceramic     $11.00
  Oak 11 position, 12 deck, 1 pole per deck            $35.00
  Oak 261727-CK7, 14 position, 7 deck, 1 pole per deck $25.00
  Oak 218705-F4X, 4 deck: 3 are 2 pole 5 pos, 1 deck is
     1 pole, 5 pos, mycelex wafers                     $19.00
  OaK 235700-F1 5 position, 1 deck, 2 poles per deck    $7.00
  Oak 7 position, 3 deck ceramic rotary                $10.00
  Ohmite 111-A-8 tap switch, Slow break/fast make  
     15 ampere, ceramic body, 1/4" shaft               $35.00 [+]
  Ohmite "Tap Switch" 4 pos, 50 amp (!) rating         $39.00 [+]
  Ohmite tap switch, 6 position, 15 amp 125 vac        $35.00
  Selectron "programmable rotary switch - 15 position  $20.00 [+]
  Stromberg Carlson spare part for radio transmitter
    BC-640-B, drg No A105371 Ref. No. 149, in sealed
         original boxes                                $15.00
  Switchcraft 951 SW SPST momentary                     $2.00
  Switchcraft 3037T Lev-R Switch DPDT, 
                    one side momentary                 $11.00
  Switchcraft 1006 FF switch, DPDT momentary           $10.00
  Switchcraft 1009 FF switch, 3PDT momentary           $11.00
  Switchcraft Lev-R Switch two (2) SPST contact
        - up, center, down - flat rectangular lever    $10.00
  Unidex 4 position 2 pole ceramic                      $7.00 [+]
  Unidex 14 position, 6 deck, 1 pole per deck          $10.00
  Unidex 19 position 1 pole rotary                     $12.00
  5 position 1 pole - compact                           $6.00 [+]
  11 position 5 deck 1 pole per deck                    $6.00 [+]
  30 amp 125 volt SPST toggle                           $5.00
  3 position 3 pole rotary switch                       $4.00
  3 position, 9 pole, 3 deck (3 poles per deck)        $10.00
  3 position, 4 pole 4 deck (1 pole per deck) ceramic   $8.00
  9 position, 3 pole, 3 deck ceramic rotary            $10.00
  17 position, 1 pole rotary switch                    $15.00
  18 position, 1 pole rotary switch                    $15.00
  MS-242245 DPDT sub-miniature toggle                   $7.00
  STM4 DPDT sub-miniature toggle, 3 amp 125 volts       $5.00

Micro switches
  Arrow Hart HD1-Y3                                     $7.00
  Chemco MAC-100-4 sensitive leaf switch 5 amps 125 VAC $5.00
  Chemco MAC-100-4 airflow switch 5 amps 125 VAC 
     same as MAC-100-4 but with 2.5" dia mylar disk     $7.00
  Cherry Electric Products E21,.1 amp 125 volts         $4.00     
  Cherry Electric Products E23, 5 amp 250 volts         $4.00
  George Risk Industries BC-FA 1073 5389 SPST           $3.00
  Matsushita AM4500 SPST                               $10.00  
  Locator No. 849 SPST NC screw terminals               $3.00 [+]
  Microswitch V3-115 SPDT momentary                     $5.00
  Microswitch V3-1101-D8 SPDT momentary, 10 amp 125 VAC $5.00
  Microswitch, roller switch BZ-2RL204                  $6.00 
  Microswitch X41829-DT, DPDT                          $10.00
  Microswitch X-32499, SPST (rfe)                      $10.00
  Microswitch DZV6-2RN, 15 amp 125/250/480 VAC (rfe)   $19.00
  Microswitch BZ-3RM22T SPDT, 1/3 amp 125 volt         $10.00
  Microswitch BZ-7RL04 SPDT, 15 amp 125 VAC             $9.00
  Microswitch BZ-2RL2 SPDT, 15 amps 125 VAC             $9.00
  Microswitch SS04A70, 15 amp 125 VAC                   $9.00 
  Microswitch WZ-2RW22-A2, 1/2 amp 125 VDC              $9.00
  Microswitch X41829-DT                                 $8.00
  Microswitch MHB225 (rfe)                             $14.00
  Microswitch V3L-1554-D8                              $19.00 quantity pricing available

  Microswitch B2-2RL2 15A 125/250/480 VAC               $5.00 [+] 
  Rotron Model 2A airflow switch                       $25.00         
  Tyni Switch BBPC1-4 SPST, 15 amp 125 volt             $4.00
  Unimax A26, roller SPDT, 15 amps 125-250 volts AC     $7.00

Thumbwheel switches
  EE Co thumbwheel switch                              $16.00 [+]
  Digitran 8-D-97E, 0-7 thumbwheel switch              $10.00
  EECo Switch, model 214332, lighted 0-9 
                                     thumbwheel switch $16.00
  Digiswitch 391-1, part #630538 2 deck, 
                                0-10 thumbwheel switch $15.00