Leeds Radio, tel: 718 963-1764

page updated 05/05/2015
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Diodes, bridges
   1N23C Kemtron, gold plated contacts                 $12.00
   1N26 Philco JAN                                      $5.00
   1N38                                                 $1.50
   1N39                                                 $4.00
   1N48 (hexagonal body)                                $5.00
   1N93 germanium                                       $6.00 (very few left)
   1N277N                                               $1.00 (out of stock)
   1N277N JAN General Instruments                       $5.00              
   1N315 gemanium                                       $2.00
   1N438 Raytheon                                       $4.00
   1N588                                                $2.00
   1N647                                                $2.00
   1N914                                         10 for $1.00    
   1N1185                                               $5.00 
   1N1348 (rfe)                                         $0.50  
   1N1955A                                              $2.00
   1N3007B 110 volt 10 watt zener                       $3.25
   1N3196 RCA 800 volt PIV 750 ma                       $2.00
   1N3289, 200 piv 100 amp                              $4.00 [+]
   1N3903, 400 volt 20 amp fast recovery diode          $6.00
   1N3903R                                              $7.00
   1N4005, 600 piv 1 amp                         10 for $3.00
   1N4148	                                 10 for $1.25
   1N4436FT Varo - bridge rectifier with TO-3 foot-
     print, 140 volt PIV, 600 amp peak, 10 amp average 
        used in some Kustom amplifiers                 $18.00
   1N4721 200 piv 3 amp, 300 amp surge           10 for $1.50
   1N5408 1000 volt piv, 3 ampere, great for tube 
                       amplifier power supplies         $0.75
   Y8 3289R-3 International Rectifier                  $10.00
   5289R General Electric (GE)                         $14.00
   Z4XLX207 13 volt 1 watt zener General Electric       $1.00
   IR 250JB1L B2 bridge rectifier                       $3.00
   IR 100PB1L bridge rectifier                          $2.00
   IR 85HF20, 200 volt 85 amp, DO5 case                 $9.00
   DII BR-256 600 volt 25 amp bridge rectifier          $4.00
   GE Z4XLX07 13 volt 1 watt zener diode                $1.00
   Semtech SCPA05 full wave rectifier                   $5.00

   GE KS19400L13 power diode                            $5.00
   Unitrode 655-509 bridge rectifier                    $2.00
   General Instrument HVPR15-4-2, p/n 393M1-1 diode     $4.00
   DRP 300, 3 amp diode                                 $0.50
   Motorola MDA 952-1, 50 volt 6 amp bridge rectifier   $3.00
   General Instrument GIT 051-3999 high voltage diode, 
      used in some microwave ovens                      $5.00
   GE KS 15989L3 SCR                                    $5.00
   GE KS19400L13, 18 amp stud diode made 
                            for Western Electric        $4.00
   GE PRKS19400L13 diode                                $8.00
   Varo VH248 - 6 ampere 200 volt bridge rectifier      $0.85
   Varo VB225 F                                         $4.00
   650-509 Unitrode bridge                              $1.25
   WO2M General Instrument 200 volt 1.5 amp bridge      $1.00
   100BP1L 100 volt 10 brige, 100 amp surge             $1.60
   Hitachi FRO 80 - 300 v piv, 16 amp triac             $2.00
   Western Electric 409A diode (NOT 409A tube!!!)      inquire 
   2N2031 GE, 50 V(drm) 70 ampere SCR                   $8.00
   GA5005/C                                            $10.00
   Semtech SCSPF2L                                      $5.00
   IR (International Rectifier) SD 94                  $10.00
   RCA 40714 triac                                     $10.00
   GE Western Electric KS-2024814 triac                 $8.00 
   GE C6F 50 volt 1.6 amp triac                         $5.00
   GE SC400, 6 amp 400 volt triac (rfe)                 $5.00  
   Motorola MR502 general purpose rectifier             $1.00 
   Varo VB225F                                         $25.00      
   4JA421EX5 General Electric                          $21.00
   S-5343 solid state tube replacement                 $45.00
   S-5373 solid state tube replacement (rfe)           $45.00
   Selco Electronics Solid State 5U4 replacement
          for Collins 32S-KWM                          $29.00

   2N34 Sylvania, germanium PNP                         $5.00
   2N43                                                 $5.00
   2N217 RCA                                           $10.00
   2N219 RCA germanium PNP electrically same as 2N140   $7.00
   2N269                                                $5.00
   2N270 germanium PNP                                  $-.--
   2N270 RCA germanium PNP                              $-.--
   2N274 germanium PNP, labeled RT-36 WCT2743D          $5.00
   2N274 RCA in original boxes                          $9.00
   Delco 2N277 - old style TO36, 
              PNP germanium power transistor           $10.00
   2N316A germanium PNP                                 $4.00 
   2N340                                               $12.00
   2N335                                                $4.00
   2N358                                               $12.00
   2N383                                                $4.00
   2N404 germanium PNP                                  $5.00
   2N424                                               $10.00
   2N428                                                $5.00  
   2N439 CBS                                            $8.00
   2N443                                                $5.00
   2N497                                                $6.00
   2N499 Philco germanium PNP                           $8.00
   2N503                                                $8.00
   2N519A                                               $5.00
   2N539 Honeywell                                      $8.00
   2N542B                                               $8.00
   2N546                                               $12.00
   2N651 Motorola                                       $5.00
   2N652 Motorola                                      $10.00
   2N654 TRW, ETCO germanium PNP                        $5.00
   2N656                                                $8.00
   2N697                                                $2.00
   2N1016B                                             $10.00
   2N1041-2 Sylvania                                   $25.00
   2N1118                                               $2.00
   2N1132 Texas Instruments                             $2.00
   2N1183                                               $5.00
   2N1247                                               $2.00
   2N1275                                               $4.00
   2N1300 RCA                                           $5.00
   2N1305 used in Phase Linear 400 700 700B amps        $5.00
   2N1307 Texas Intruments - short leads                $1.00
   2N1308                                               $5.00
   2N1309                                               $2.00
   2N1310                                               $3.00
   2N1335 RCA                                           $5.00
   2N1384 RCA PNP germanium                             $8.00
   2N1395 RCA PNP RF transistor                         $5.00
   2N1499A                                              $5.00
   2N1507                                               $5.00
   2N1544 Motorola TO-3 PNP                             $6.00
   2N1547 Motorola                                      $7.00
   2N1925 GE                                            $4.00
   2N2001 Texas Instruments                             $2.00
   2N2081, Motorola                                    $10.00
   2N2084 Amperex                                       $5.00
   2N2219, Texas Instruments, gold leads                $2.00
   2N2222                                               $1.00
   2N2323 GE                                            $2.00
   2N2323 GE JAN                                        $5.00
   2N2405 RCA                                           $1.00
   2N2484                                               $3.00
   2N2557 pressed on hexagonal heatsink                $10.00
   2N2907 not marked                                    $4.00
   2N2924 GE                                            $6.00
   2N3427 Motorola                                      $5.00
   2N3442 RCA (rfe)                                     $2.00
   2N2557                                              $10.00
   2N2374 Etco                                          $2.00
   2N2907                                               $4.00
   2N3055 Motorola                                      $3.00
   2N3427 Motorola                                      $8.00
   2N3614 Motorola                                      $9.00
   2N3668 RCA                                           $4.00
   2N3713 Texas Instruments                             $2.00 
   2N3738 Motorola                                     $10.00   
   2N3772 RCA                                           $3.00
   2N3773 RCA NPN power transistors - branded with 
      beautiful old style RCA logo, with lightening 
           bolt on end of the "A"                       $4.00
   2N5060 SCR                                           $1.00
   2N3054 RCA                                           $1.25
   2N3668 600 volt 12.5 amp SCR                         $1.25
   2N4899 Motorola                                      $4.00
   2N4915                                               $1.00
   2N611 RCA                                            $8.00
   2N6286 Motorola 20 amp 80 volt PNP darlington TO3    $7.00
   2N6292 RCA NPN power transistor - TO220 package      $1.00
   2N6307, Motorola                                     $3.00
   2N6388                                               $5.00
   2SC1172B Toshiba                                     $3.00
   3N83 unijuction transistor                           $4.00
   3644448 GE                                           $5.00
   D45H10 PNP amplifier driver General Electric 
     VCEO = -80, 50 watt Pd, beta = 35 @ -2 amperes     $2.00  
   MFE 2093 N channel FET Motorola                      $5.00
   MCR 649P-1 Motorola                                 $10.00
   MJE520 Motorola TO-126 case                         $10.00
   A390258 RCA TO3                                     $16.00
   A3902 Motorola                                       $5.00
   181035 Motorola                                      $5.00
   ECG 160 PNP germanium transistor                     $5.00
   T2911 Philco                                        $20.00
   4789 Fairchild                                       $5.00
   181035 Motorola                                      $5.00
   SP774 Motorola (rfe)                                $16.00
   SP774 Motorola                                      $25.00
   PT2416C 215-015 TRW                                 $19.00
   UC734 field effect transistor                        $8.00 
   TIP107 silicon NPN darlington                        $3.00  
   44A399614 Motorola				       $25.00
   CQT857 ITT - short leads                            $10.00	
   637-1GE                                              $7.00	
   115031 RCA                                          $25.00	
   234 ERS                                              $3.00		
   ME287                                                $5.00															          

Solid state tube and thyratron replacements
   GE 4JS1 made for Western Electric KS 15968L1
                 solid state thyratron replacement     $45.00
   FAA STR4B32 solid state replacement for 
             4B32 xenon rectifier                      $45.00
   K3097 solid state replacement for 1Z2               $10.00
   Sarkes Tarzian S-5019                               $25.00
   S-5373 solid state replacement for 
        8008 mercury vapor rectifier (rfe)             $25.00
   1N2389 plug-in tube rectifier replacement, octal    $10.00
   1N2634 plug-in tube rectifier replacement, 4 pin    $10.00
   1N2637 plug-in tube rectifier replacement, 4 pin 
      with cap, for 866, 866A, 3B28 etc                $16.00
   1N2389 plug-in tube rectifier replacement, octal    $12.00
   SS-314 solid state replacement for 3B24             $19.00

   Texas Instruments TIL313P, 7 segment display         $1.00
   Solitron J-775-1 bridge rectifier (rfe)              $0.75
   Fairchild UA 78GKMQB TO3 40V 1 amp regulator        $25.00
   GE C365 hockey puck SCR                             $15.00
   Motorola MC724P                                      $5.00
   PRX 5302-1 SCR, stud mount                          $25.00
   2W443 Texas Instruments                             $20.00
   SP1422 Motorola (rfe, short leads)                   $9.00
   National (Matsushita) LN05203P 5 seg.LED bar graph   $5.00
   GE SC245M2X216                                      $10.00
   Fuji Minitron 3015F vacuum incandescent 
                      7 segment display, 50,000 life   $29.00

Microwave, varacter diodes, etc
   GC-002 microwave diode GHZ Devices                   $5.00
   MA4803 Microwave Associates                          $5.00
   MA4058B Microwave Associates - varactor diode        $4.00
   SD-11-H1 varacter Hughes                            $10.00
   SMV409 varacter Motorola                             $4.00
   MPN 3401 pin diode                                   $1.75
   Varian BLV23X-EP varactor diode                      $3.00

Integrated circuits (many more - let us know what you need)
7400 series TTL
   7400 quad two input nand gate                        $1.00
   7402 quad 2-input NOR gate                           $2.00
   7404 hex inverter                                    $1.00
   7411 triple 3-input AND gate                         $2.00
   7417 hex buffer/driver with 15V open collector out.  $2.00
   7421 dual 4-input AND gate                           $2.00
   7430 8-input nand gate                               $3.00
   7438 quad 2-input NAND buffer, open collector out.   $2.00
   7441A BCD to NIXIE tube driver, 16 pin DIP          $10.00 
   7442 bcds to decimal decoder                         $3.00
   7447 bcd to 7-segment decoder/driver,
             with 15V open collector outputs            $3.00
   7472 AND gated J-K master/slave flip-flop            $2.00
   7475 4 bit bi-stable latch                           $2.00
   7450 dual 2-wide 2-input AND-OR-Invert               $3.00
   7480 gated full adder                                $4.00
   7493 4-bit binary counter                            $2.00
   7495 4-bit shift register                            $2.00
   7496 5-bit Parallel-In/Parallel-Out Shift register   $4.00
   74157 multiplexer                                    $2.00
   74153 dual 4-line to 1-line multiplexer              $3.00
   74198 8-bit bi-directional universal shift register  $3.00
   74H74 dual D positive edge triggered
              flip-flop with preset and clear           $3.00
   74LS91 8-bit shift register, 
          serial In, serial out, gated input            $4.00
   MC14009 Motorola                                     $5.00

MPU, interface, etc
   TMS 9900JBL, Texas Instruments 16 bit MPU, 
                                64 pin DIP, gold leads 
   Motorola 68000 kit, back in the day you could buy 
     this from Motorola distibutors. It consists of 
     (1) 68000; (1) 68010 16/32 bit virtual memory MPU,
     (1) 68008, 8/32 bit MPU; 68652, 68661 and 68681 
     data comm chips 2 general purpose I/O chips, (1)
     DMA controller, and a bunch of books. We have
     only one of these.                                 best offer

   Litronix Iso-Lit 1 - 668 opto isolator, 6 pin dip    $2.00

   741CP Texas Instruments                              $0.50
   RC741D Raytheon                                      $3.00
   NE556N Texas Instrument 14 pin dip timer             $0.50   
   NE556N Texas Instruments  dual precision IC timer    $0.32
   7824 24 volt regulator TO220 package                 $5.00
   7805CK 5 volt regulator TO3 package Motorola        $15.00
   LM340-8, TO3 8 volt regulator                       $15.00 
   Raytheon RC741D                                     $10.00 

General Electric Metal Oxide Varistors
   GE 1302 L9, MOV                                      $0.45
   GE V275LA15A, MOV                                    $1.00
   GE 3314071, MOV                                      $1.00