Leeds Radio, tel: 718 963-1764

page updated 04/25/2015
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Hardware - couplers, bushings, terminal strips, terminals, fuse holders. 
and hundreds of other hardward items not listed.  Please inquire.

Barrier strips
  2 position Kulka                                      $1.00 [+]
  3 or 4 position single row                            $2.00 [+]
  6 position heavy-duty                                 $3.00 [+]
  7 position, feed-thru                                 $2.00 [+]
  12 position Kulka with fast-ons                       $1.00 [+]
  12 position Kulka - grey                              $3.00 [+]
  18 position Kulka                                     $2.50 [+]
  18 position fanning strip for above                   $2.50
  20 position, feed-thru                                $3.00 [+]

Fuse holders
  Buss FHN-206 gray, for Hickok 118A/B tube testers     $5.00
  Buss HGA-C FHL10G (rfe)                              $15.00               
  Buss HJM                                              $5.00
  Buss HKD                                              $5.00
  Buss HKE 60-80 V illuminated 20 ampere                $5.00
  Buss HKH indicating fuse holder                       $7.00
  Buss HKP HH, an HKP with fast-ons                     $5.00
  Buss HKP fuse holder                                  $4.00
  Buss HKL Indicating fuse holder                       $5.00
  Buss HKL-RZ Indicating fuse holder, 470 K resistor   $10.00
  Buss HKX                                              $4.00
  Buss HPC fuse holder                                 $15.00 
  Buss HPC-C fuse holder                               $19.00
  Buss HPC-CRST fuse holder                            $24.00 [+]
  Buss HRM 
  Buss 5 position fuse block                            $2.00 [+]
  Buss 2430-2, dual fuse block                          $2.00
  Buss 2807 fuse holder, 30 amp 600 volt rating         $5.00
  Buss 42022 fuse holder                                $3.00
  ICA 7203 dual fuse block, 3AG size fuses, 
                                 threaded studs         $2.00 [+]
  ICA 7204 dual fuse block, 8AG size fuses, 
                                solder terminals        $2.00
  Littlefuse fuseholder  - square                       $5.00 
  Littlefuse 341001                                     $4.00 
  Littlefuse 342014AL                                   $6.00 [+]
  Littlefuse 342022                                     $5.00
  Littlefuse 342048 (push on terminals)                 $-.--
  Littlefuse 344125                                     $5.00
  Littlefuse 345711                                     $5.00
  fuse clip - 0.250 inch                                $0.45
  fuse clip - 0.375 inch                                $0.65
  fuse clip 1", Atlas 18-16                             $3.00
  dual spare fuse holder assembly #834-741              $2.00
  inline nylon fuse holder with red leads               $2.00
  spare fuse holder, 10 position                        $2.00 [+]

Pilot light assemblies
  pilot light assembly with yellow, mechanical dimmer 
    jewel, fits #44, #47, etc bulbs                     $5.00 [+]
  pilot light assembly with red, mechanical dimmer 
    jewel, fits #44, #47, etc.  42B3593                 $5.00
  Dialco 272-5-3--0171-101 panel illuminator
    takes mini bulbs such as type 387                   $6.00
  Dialco pilot light assembly 132-0463-0991-311, 
    red plastic jewel, built-in resistor, for 
     bayonette neon bulbs type 51 etc)                  $4.00
  Dialco pilot light w/red plastic jwel for type 47, 44 $4.00
  Dialco pilot light assembly with NE51 neon blub (rfe) $1.00
  Dialco pilot light assembly 8175036 w/#47 bulb (rfe)  $2.00
  Dialco 80-3502-05-302 dual contact bayonette          $5.00
    lens for above                                      $2.00
  Dialco panel illuminator - chrome, 1.125" dia, takes
           2 contact bay bulb such as #57 - gorgeous, 
               from another era                        $10.00
  Dialco 81-5710-01-301, pilot light ass. with fast-ons $5.00
  Drake pilot light assembly
           (red, blue, yellow or white lens)            $4.00 (out of stock)
  Drake 20-S, pilot light assembly for screw base mini
     bulbs, with green glass lens                       $3.00
  Drake LH 73/1                                         $4.00
  Drake LH 90/2, 4428-000, bi pin lamp socket           $5.00
  Eldema NE-2E-470K, neon                               $4.00
  Kordy Manufacturing Co, type 130 44A18454 ptt
   pilot light assembly, blue lens                      $8.00
  Dialight 42B3593 red mechanical dimmer jewel          $3.00
Shaft couplers, shaft locks, shaft bushings, drives
  Hammarlund FNC-36 S metal 1/4" to 1/4" shaft coupler  $8.00 [+]
  Johnson 250 shaft coupler 1/4" to 3/8"               
          approximately 1.250" across                  $15.00 [+]
  Johnson 251 shaft coupler 3/8" to 3/8" 
          approximately 2.125" across                  $35.00 [+]
  A-100  Metal shaft coupler 1/4" to 1/4"               $5.00
  Millen 39001 flexible coupling insulated             $10.00 [+]
  Millen 39005 coupling, flexible, not insulated       $10.00 [+]
  Millen 39006 slide action steatite shaft coupling    $10.00 [+]
  Shaft coupler, phenolic for 1/4"shafts                $6.00 [+]
  Shaft coupler, giant 1/4" to 1/2"                    $45.00 [+]
  Panel bushing 1/4"                                    $1.00
  Jackson Brothers No 4589 spinwheel cord drive         $2.00 [+]
  Jackson Brothers gear reduction drive                $24.00 [+]
  Jackson Brothers slide rule dial                     $45.00 [+]
  Millen 10060 shaft lock                              $10.00 [+]
  Millen 10063 shaft lock (has lever)                  $10.00 [+]
  National PRAD Precision right angle drive            $35.00 [+]
  National Velvet Vernier drive                        $17.00 [+] 

Standoffs, shock mounts, insulators
  Spacer, metal 5/16" Herman H Smith 9215               $0.25
  Standoff, ceramic, .5" clearance for 6-32, bag of 10  $1.00
  Standoff, ceramic, 1", clearance for 6-32, bag ot 10  $1.00
  standoff, metal Herman H. Smith 8283, overall 
     length 1", 8-32, female one side male other        $0.50
  standoff, metal, round, .75", clearance for 6-32      $0.50
  standoff, metal, hexagonal, 1", clearance for 6-32    $0.50
  standoff, conical ceramic 1"long, threaded  
       6-32 threads on both ends                        $4.00 [+]
  standoff, conical ceramic , NS4W2012 - 1.5"long, 
       6-32 threads on both ends                        $4.50 [+]
  standoff, ceramic 1.75" threaded 4-40 both ends       $1.75 [+] 
  cone insulator, 4.875" from end to end of 
     the 1/4-20 threaded rod. Mounts in 1.1875 hole, 
     Ceramic cones are 1.125" high                     $10.00 [+]
  stand-off, Lapp Steatite 7"long                      $10.00 [+]
  stand-off, metal, 1/4" by 2" 4-40 thread and stud     $0.50 [+]
  standoff, ceramic 6" long 1" diameter 
                            threaded for 1/4-20 screw   $3.00 [+]
  feed-thru insulator, ceramic, 1.5" overall height, 
                for 3/4" hole, thru hole 3/16" dia      $3.00 [+]

  rubber shock mount, 8-32 studs on each end            $0.50 [+]
  shock mount .875 by 1.0625 by 0.75", 1/4-20 thread    $2.50 [+]
  shock mount 1.00 by 1.1250 by 0.75"                   $3.00 [+]
  shock mount, Barry Controls, model C-1050-4
                  2.375" by 2.375", 1.1875 high        $10.00      
  Johnson beehive insulator                            $--.-- [+] 
  Birnbach No. 468 center-fed antenna insulator        $15.00 [+] 

Tie wrap, cable ties Quantity pricing available
   Dennison Bar-Lok, cable tie #08474                  $1.00 for ten pieces
   Panduit T-18R, PLT1M-MP, Pan-Ty, tie wrap 3.5" long $1.00 for ten pieces
   Panduit PLT31 Pan-Ty, tie wrap, 11" long            $2.00 for ten pieces
   Panduit SST4S-C, Sta-Strap cable tie, 14.75" long   $2.00 for ten pieces
   Thomas & Betts TY53 Indentification Ty-Rap cable
    tie 3.625" long with flag on the end for writing   $1.00 for ten pieces
   Smiths 1/2" plastic cable clamp                     $0.60
   Smiths 5/8" plastic cable clamp                     $0.60
   Smiths 3/4" plastic cable clamp                     $0.65
   Smiths 7/8" plastic cable clamp                     $0.70

  Fahnestock clip - large double                        $0.70 [+]
  Fahnestock clip - small single                        $0.35 [+]
  HH Smith 931 insulated grommet                        $0.65
  Litton 1005-12 rack handles 6.375" by 1.75 chrome     $3.00
  Litton Rack Handle, 4.5" C-C by 1.5"                  $3.00 [+]
  Cambion 1264-1 rack handles 3" by 1" chrome           $2.00
  rack handle, black anodize  6.5" by 1.75              $2.00
  rack handle, 4" c-c by 3.25", chrome (rfe)            $2.00
  Rack panel, Budd PA-1101-G, 1.75", grey hammertone    $7.00
  Rack panel, aluminum anodized 5.25 (3 rack units)    $10.00
  wire/cable clamp, aluminum, one hole mount, ten for   $1.50
  chrome plated, brass screws 
    for computer grade capacitors, bag of 25            $2.00
  set screws, 4-40, by 1/2", bristol spine, 
                                   bag of 100 pieces    $4.00
  Haines Products QP 14M 400A, type ECS 250 male, 
     solderless fast-on for 16 to 14 gauge wire         $3.00 for 100 pieces
  Paragon Moulding Company, platic feet, .875 dia      	$2.00 for 15 pieces
  L.M.B Crown Royal C.R.-442 project box, 
      4x4x2 high aluminum, paint blue/light gray        $6.00
  Budd AC-1404 aluminum chassis 5x4x2 high              $6.00
  Premier Metal PMC-1000 miniature case
          2.75x2.125x1.625, gray hammertone             $5.00
  Premier Metal AMC-1001 miniature case
         3.25x2.125x1.625, natural aluminum             $5.00
  Premier Metal PMC-1001 miniature case
         3.25x2.125x1.625, gray hammertone              $5.00
  clamp, computer grade electrolytic capacitor 1.5"     $0.50
  clamp, computer grade electrolytic capacitor 2.0"     $0.60
  clamp, computer grade electrolytic capacitor 3.0"     $0.65
  clamp, rect. oil cap 1.875" by 2.375"                 $2.00
  bracket, large oil - hold down from the top - pair    $4.00