Leeds Radio, tel: 718 963-1764 |
page updated February 18, 2016 contact us [+] home [+] Connectors - Kings, Amphenol, Amp, General Radio, Cinch, Cinch Jones, DIN, Tuchel, etc, for rf, power, audio, video. Many more in stock Adapters (note UHF male = PL259) Adapter - BNC jack to BNC jack UG-243 - bulkhead $5.00 Adapter - BNC plug to BNC jack - rt angle UG-306/U Amphenol $5.00 Adapter - BNC jack to BNC jack $5.00 Adapter - BNC male to C female, UG 635/U $27.00 Adapter - BNC jack to HN plug, $15.00 Adapter - BNC jack to HN plug, UG-309/U $15.00 Adapter - BNC jack to N male, UG-201A/U $7.00 Adapter - BNC jack to RCA plug $5.00 Adapter - BNC plug to RCA plug $5.00 Adapter - BNC plug to RCA jack $5.00 Adapter - BNC plug to TNC jack $5.00 Adapter - BNC jack to IBM twinax $10.00 Adapter - BNC plug to UHF jack $5.00 Adapter - C jack to UHF plug UG-637/U $24.00 Adapter - C jack to N plug UG-564 $22.00 Adapter - C jack to C plug (right angle) UG-567/U $24.00 Adapter - N jack to C plug UG-565A/U $22.00 Adapter - F jack to UHF plug $5.00 Adapter - F plug to UHF jack $5.00 Adapter - F jack to RCA plug $5.00 Adapter - F plug to RCA jack $5.00 Adapter - F jack to BNC male $6.00 Adapter - F jack to BNC jack $6.00 Adapter - F plug to BNC jack $6.00 Adapter - F plug to F plug F71 $1.50 Adapter - GR 874 to dual binding post $60.00 Adapter - GR 874 to BNC female $60.00 Adapter - IBM twinax female to IBM twinax female Amphenol 82-5588 (rfe) $19.00 Adapter - IBM twinax female to IBM twinax female Amphenol 82-5588 $27.00 Adapter - N male to N male UG-57B/U $7.00 Adapter - N female to N female UG29B/U $7.00 Adapter - N female to N female UG30D/U $14.00 Adapter - N plug to UHF jack UG-146 $7.00 Adapter - N male to TNC female, Amphenol 78900 $10.00 Adapter - N male to N male, right angle $7.00 Adapter - N male to N female, right angle, UG-27 $9.00 Adapter - SMA plug to N jack - bulkhead $10.00 Adapter - TNC plug to BNC jack $6.00 Adapter - TNC male to 2 TNC female TEE $7.00 Adapter - TNC plug to UHF jack, 723 $10.00 Adapter - TNC female to TNC female, feedthrough Delta 1226000N598-2 $7.00 Adapter - UHF to phono, Amphenol 83-10 $6.00 Adapter - UHF plug to binding post, Dage 95712 $6.00 Adapter - UHF male to BNC jack, UG-273 $4.00 Adapter - UHF male to RCA jack $6.00 Adapter - UHF jack to UHF jack, Amphenol 83-877 $6.00 Adapter - UHF female to UHF male quick connect $6.00 Adapter - General Radio 0777-9711 1/4 jack to dual banana jacks $15.00 Adapter - General Radio 874-L10L - air line $95.00 Adapter - General Radio 500 MC LP filter 874-F500L $125.00 Adapter - tip jack to banana plug $3.00 Adapter - Pomona 1296, BNC to dual binding posts $14.00 Adapter - antenna mount, Eby UG 361/U - too good to be true! This adapter is made of phenolic and allows you to easily connect a long wire antenna (or test lead) to a receiver with a UHF connector $8.00 Adapter - Trompeter TEI 14949 AD1W - WECO video plug to bnc jack $21.00 Connectors Amphenol 31-8 (UG-274/U) J-P-J tee adapter $5.00 Amphenol UG1094/U chassis mount (single hole) bnc $2.00 Amphenol 78S3 - 3 pin ring mount $9.00 Amphenol 78-PCG-3, 3 pin chassis mount female $10.00 Amphenol 78-PCG-4, 4 pin chassis mount female $10.00 Amphenol 82-100 (UG-57B) straight N P-P adapter $8.00 Amphenol 83-1J / PL-258 UHF junction $6.00 Amphenol 83-878, SO-239, single hole mount $4.00 Amphenol 86-CP4, 4 pin plug - mates with Amphenol 78S4 or any 4 pin tube socket $15.00 Amphenol 86-CP5, 5 pin plug - mates with Amphenol 78S5 or any 5 pin tube socket $15.00 Amphenol 86-CP6, 6 pin plug - mates with Amphenol 78S6 or any 6 pin tube socket $15.00 Amphenol 86-CP7, 7 pin plug - mates with Amphenol 78S7 or any 7 pin tube socket $15.00 Amphenol medium 7 pin plug - fits 78S7L socket - used as a connector on some Wurlitzer juke boxes. Very few in stock $24.00 Amphenol 86-CP8, 8 pin plug - mates with Amphenol 78S8 or any 8 pin tube socket, this is the exact plug use on the power cable of the McIntosh C-8 preamplifier (rfe) $12.00 Amphenol 86-CP9, 9 pin, same pin circle as the octal This is used as the chassis mount power connector on the Collins 51-S1 receiver. We also have the female (cable) side listed under tubes sockets (rfe) $12.00 Amphenol 86-CP9, 9 pin, same pin circle as the octal This is used as the chassis mount power connector on the Collins 51-S1 receiver. We also have the female (cable) side listed under tubes sockets $20.00 Amphenol 86-CP11, 11 pin plug, mates with Amphenol 78S11. This is the chassis mount power connector for the famous Collins R-390 receiver. We have the cable mount female under tubes sockets $10.00 [+] Amphenol 86-CP12, 12 pin plug mates with MIP-12 $15.00 Amphenol 160-60-23, Recessing shell - this can be used with any 78 series, 86 series, 160 series, 161 series connector, socket or plug $15.00 Amphenol 160-60-F three prong female power conn. $15.00 [+] Amphenol 160-61-F two prong female power conn. $15.00 [+] Amphenol 160-61-M two prong male power conn. $15.00 [+] Amphenol 160-61MIP-61F - moulded-in-plate 2 prong chassis mount power recepticle $14.00 Amphenol M358 UHF TEE J-P-J $10.00 Amphenol SO 239, 83-875-1001 single hole mount, UHF jack $5.00 Amphenol SO 239, 83-878 single hole mount, UHF jack $3.00 Amphenol 77-MIP-20 socket (ST-20) $19.00 [+] Amphenol 70-20 plug with backshell mates with 77-MIP-20 $19.00 [+] Amphenol UG-1680/U N plug for RG 143, 212 and 222 similar to Amphenol 82-341 $5.00 Amphenol KS-16583L1 UHF hood (made for Western Electric) connector similar to Amphenol 83-1H (UG106/U) for RG 8/10/11/12/63/79/115/149/213/215 $3.00 [+] Amphenol 3476 002, 7 pin cable mount Tuchel $10.00 Amphenol T 3638 004 Tuchel 12 pin, chassis mount female $12.00 Amphenol, Tuchel 3 pin T-2260 $39.00 [+] Amphenol UG 102/U twin ax connector this is a PL-284 twinax connector used as the antenna connector Hammarlund SP-600 sometimes mistakenly called PL-102 $15.00 Amphenol UG-103/U - twinax female mounted on the RF platform of the Hammarlund SP-600 $12.00 UG-196/U twin-ax T $20.00 Amphenol PL293 UG-104/U twin-ax elbow $19.00 Amphenol 57-20500-7 $4.00 Amphenol PL-293, UG-104/U twinax UHF, elbow male/female just the thing for your Hammarlund SP-600 $10.00 Amphenol 79-08F1, octal, cable mount female, aluminum backshell, strain relief, and grommet $25.00 BNC single hole, panel mount, Delta, UG-1094 $1.65 General Radio type 874-C $20.00 General Radio type 874 CL62A locking cable connector $20.00 General Radio type 874-P $25.00 General Radio type GR-874 PRC-8A $20.00 General Radio 2' cable, GR plug on each end RG58 A/U cable $25.00 General Radio Type 900-QNP coaxial adapter $45.00 General Radio Type 900 BT precision coaxial connector $65.00 General Radio Type 874-G102 10 db attenuator $24.00 HN plug, UG 59A/U for RG-8 and RG9 cable $10.00 HN UG-600/U panel receptacle, 4-hole flange, solder cup terminal $25.00 Twinax junction, Amphenol 82-5588 $16.00 Twinax plug, Amphenol 82-5589, plug for R-390 $9.00 Twinax, panel mount female Amphenol 82-5590 $10.00 Twinax to BNC adapter, Amphenol 82-5628, this mates with the famous R-390 receiver $25.00 Twinax Tee Amphenol 82-5677 Twinax panel mount, Amphenol UG-423B/U $15.00 Twinax (IBM) Amphenol 082-5589-RFX1 $18.00 Twinax (IBM) junction (J-J), Amphenol 82-5588 $25.00 Twinax (IBM) to BNC adapter Amp 227447-1 $29.00 Twinax (IBM) plug, UG-421B/U $45.00 Twinax Tee (F-M-F) UG-196/U $19.00 Audio Connectors and adapters Amphenol microphone switch adapter - has female 75 on one and male on other, with a switch for mic $10.00 Amphenol 75-CCC1 screw on cap with chain for 75 $8.00 Amphenol 75-MC1F straight plug $10.00 Amphenol 75-MC1FA - same as above but right angle $15.00 Amphenol 75-MC1M cable jack $10.00 Amphenol 75-MC1P 1/4 phone to type 75 adapter $10.00 Amphenol 75-PC1M chassis mount recepticle $5.00 Amphenol 78-PCG3, 3 pin chassis mount shielded female $10.00 Amphenol 78-PCG4, 4 pin chassis mount shielded female $10.00 Amphenol 78-PCG5, 5 pin chassis mount shielded female $10.00 Amphenol 78-S3S, 3 pin chassis mount female $7.00 Amphenol 78-S5S, 5 pin chassis mount female $7.00 Amphenol 78-S6S, 6 pin chassis mount female $8.00 Amphenol 80-C female $10.00 Amphenol 80-F1 - cable mount female $15.00 Amphenol 80-MC1M male plug (has lock ring) $15.00 Amphenol 80-MC1M1 male plug (w/o lock ring) $15.00 Amphenol 80-MC2M male plug (has lock ring) $26.00 Amphenol 80-MC2M1 male plug (w/o lock ring) $15.00 Amphenol 80-MC2F - cable mount female $15.00 Amphenol 80-PC2F - female chassis mount $15.00 Amphenol 91-MC3M (91MC3M) cable mount, 3 pin male (rfe) $17.00 Amphenol 91-MC3M (91MC3M) cable mount, 3 pin male $25.00 Amphenol 91-PC3M - chassis mount male $15.00 Amphenol 91-PCM3 $15.00 Amphenol 91-MC4F cable mount female $15.00 Amphenol 91-MC4M cable mount male (rfe) $17.00 Amphenol 91-MC4M cable mount male $25.00 Amphenol 91-MC6M (91MC6M) 6 pin cable mount male $25.00 Amphenol 91-MPM5 5 pin male plug $17.00 Amphenol 91-MPM6 6 pin male plug $17.00 Amphenol 91-MPM6L 6 pin, long male plug $17.00 Amphenol 91-PC6F panel mount female, mates with 91MC6M, $17.00 Amphenol 250-1F - female type 75 to female type 75 $10.00 Amphenol 6 pin plug for Stax DR-7 electrostatic headphones contacts chrome $17.00 Amphenol 6 pin plug for Stax DR-7 electrostatic headphones contacts silver $20.00 Cinch 78-PGG-5 - 5 pin chassis mount $9.00 Electrocraft 334A female 1/4 phone to female 75 adapt $10.00 Electrocraft 334A type 75 male to RCA female adapter $10.00 Electrocraft 334A type 75 female to RCA female adapt $10.00 Switchcraft SL-40-4M - mic connector for Browning Eagle MK IV and Mark IVA $10.00 Switchcraft SL-10-4F cable mount mate for SL40-4M $10.00 Switchcraft 280 1/4 plug - all metal - US made $4.00 XLR and XL connectors Amp 91-461 5 pin XLR cable male $4.00 Amphenol 91-461, 4 pin XLR with plastic shell $8.00 Cannon 3-31 3 pin, chassis mount XLR silver plated contacts $-.-- [+] Cannon 3 pin cable mount female XLR connectors $5.00 Cannon 4 pin XLR cable female $5.00 Cannon 4 pin XLR cable male $4.50 Cannon XLR-3-14, 3 pin, chassis mount male, round $15.00 Canon XLR-3-14N, 3 pin, chassis mount male, single hole mount, round $16.00 Cannon XL 4-12, 4 pin cable mount male (rfe) $5.00 Cannon XL-4-13, 4 pin chassis mount female, (rfe) $10.00 Cannon XLR 4-12C, 4 pin cable mount female $10.00 Cannon XLR 4-12SC, 4 pin cable mount male $25.00 Cannon XLR-4-14, 4 pin chassis mount male, round $11.00 Cannon XLR-4-14N, 4 pin male, chassis mount, single hole mount, round $15.00 Cannon XLR 50T, 3 pin chassis mount female $11.00 Switchcraft A4F, 4 pin cable mount female $4.00 Switchcraft A4M, 4 pin cable mount male $4.00 Switchcraft A5F, 5 pin cable mount female $5.00 Switchcraft D5F, 5 pin XLR chassis mount female $5.00 Switchcraft D5M, 5 pin XLR chassis mount male $5.00 Switchcraft 3CM, 3 pin chassis mount male, round $9.00 Cannon O series - very few in stock Cannon O, 3 pin chassis mount male $39.00 Cannon O, 3 pin chassis mount female $39.00 Cannon O, 3 pin chassis mount, right angle $inquire Cannon P series Cannon P-13 chassis mount 3 pin female $inquire Cannon P-14 chassis mount 3 pin male $inquire Cannon P2-14, 2 pin chassis mount male P connector $15.00 Cannon P8-CG-11S, 8 pin cable female (rfe) $15.00 Cannon P-8-13, 8 pin chassis mount P connector $15.00 Cannon UA series Cannon UA-3-11, 3 pin, cable mount female, mates to Electro-Voice 642, 655C, 666, 666R, 668 microphones (rfe) $30.00 [+] Cannon UA-3-11, 3 pin, cable mount female, mates to Electro-Voice 642, 655C, 666, 666R, 668 microphones, NOS $49.00 Cannon UA-3-12, 3 pin cable mount male (rfe) $--.-- Cannon UA-3-13, 3 pin chassis mount female mates with UA-3-12, round flange (rfe) $16.00 Cannon UA-3-31, 3 pin female, chassis mount rectangular flange $inquire Cannon UA-3-32, 3 pin male, chassis mount $inquire Cannon UA-3-42, 3 pin chassis mount right angle no flange. has threaded holes a bottom $inquire Cannon BRS-6-12-3/8 $20.00 Cannon XK-3-14 $17.00 Cannon X-4 chassis mount male used on some GR gear $10.00 [+] Cinch Jones - we have lots of Cinch Jones connectors waiting to be cataloged Cinch-Jones P406 CCE (rfe) $4.00 Audio Jacks NE267C TRS long frame $3.00 Switchcraft 1/4" switched phone mono $3.00 Switchcraft 2J1761A - stereo 1/4" panel jack $7.00 Switchcraft 10J-1021A - 2.5 mm jack $3.00 Switchcraft 111 1/4" jack $3.00 Switchcraft 750 - mini phone plug $2.00 Switchcraft 267 stereo 1/4" phone plug $4.00 Switchcraft 755 - sames as 750 except RED $2.00 Switchcraft JJ-089 1/4" jack - very sturdy new old stock $4.00 Switchcraft MT-331 / JJ-086 $5.00 Switchcraft MT-332A mil style 1/4" phone jack $5.00 Switchcraft 2J 1761A mil/aircraft style stereo 1/4" phone jack $7.00 Switchcraft JJ-1079 - TRS w/normal $4.00 JJ 024 tip sleeve jack $3.00 JJ-042 trs jack Switchcraft $4.00 JJ-073 / MT-336C TRS jack $5.00 JK33A 3/16" Tip-Ring-Sleeve jack (used on some Collins) mates with PL-068 plug $4.00 SCA2B 3/16" TRS jack mates with PL-068 plug $6.00 Audio Plugs PL-068 $10.00 PJ-051R (MG42/2-2) 1/4" tip ring sleeve (TRS) $5.00 PJ 327 dual TRS $4.00 PL354 $6.00 Western Electric 309 3/16" TRS $7.00 Western Electric 310 3/16" TRS $7.00 Pioneer 2 pin speaker plug - has two flat contacts at right angles, for 1970-1980's Pioneer amplifier $21 Other Connectors Amphenol 67-06C12-7P $25.00 8 pin microphone connector for Ten Tec Orion etc $4.00 8 pin chassis mount male mic connector, mates/w above $5.00 quad RCA jack assembly - these are EXACTLY the part used on the back of Dynaco/Dynakit PAS3 preamplifiers $5.00 Electro part number 7362181 882760 twinax cable assebly $24.00